Tuesday, August 2, 2011

National Urban League Conference Youth Outreach was lead by Actors Brian White, Lamman Rucker, Mass. Gov.

I just read that Brian White, Lamman Rucker, and the Massachusetts Government put together a summit to reach out to our youth. This is what we need more of, people that are willing to devote time to speak to the youth about making changes. 

A truly successful person can build a solid foundation by the bricks that other people throw at you. How you do that is by education,” White said. White is an individual who constantly devotes his time to reaching out to the youth. “Education will allow you to, like an architect, so see that goal and build your future. Everybody goes through hard times — everybody. It’s how you respond. That’s what matters. You can train yourself how to respond better.”

Rucker is a man that has gone though so much that he wanted to speak to people that maybe has or is going thought the same thing.I’ve lost a lot of people that I love to violence, to drug addiction, to alcoholism, to murder. My brother was murdered on the streets of D.C. And to be honest with you, I got sick and tired,” he said. “And instead of being sick and tired and saying the glass is half empty and allowing to happen [to me] what happened to everybody else, I made a conscious decision to say that my glass is half full. I started to believe that I was destined for great things. I’m tied to the greatness that came before me. And it was up to me to actualize my potential and manifest my destiny. If you buy into that, then you write your movie. And I’m writing my movie,”

Atlanta radio personality Frank Ski also spoke and said,“Faith is fear in reverse. Martin Luther King Jr. was 24 when he started the Civil Rights Movement.” Meaning that it doesn't matter how old you are if you want something better for your life at a younger age go out there and make it happen. Don't let anyone stop you because if you believe you will achieve. 

To read the whole article visit this link : http://rollingout.com/news-politics/community/actors-brian-white-lamman-rucker-mass-gov-lead-national-urban-league-conference-youth-outreach/#.TjgS6Trlq6M.twitter




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